Cool for YouTube vids
Cool for YouTube vids
Forgot to do what I have to do bc this is awesome
This is one of the best would you rather games on iOS and is so fun and you can play with friends and family
really good game funny questions should make more games and more dumb and ridiculous questions
Its amazing it so addicting!!
This game is very amusing and I highly recommend it too any bored person considering downloading this app.
Thanks for inventing this app. It helps you to think over choices. Its also very interesting to answer.
All I have to say is that this app is awesome
Pretty great and interesting
Hi it was fun ig.
Its a fun game that makes you think
I love it
Yana approves of this game. Yana also loves it so much. Yana has stated it is addicting. Yana just wanted to write this review in 3rd Person. Yana is sorry for the annoyance. Yana will shut up and leave now. Yana says, "baiiiiiiii" Yana~❤️
Its fun but I feel like the percentage of people are wrong, the reason Im saying this is because one time I got a question eat chocolate flavored poop, or poop flavored chocolate and I chose chocolate flavored poop and about 5 minutes later I got the same question and I chose the same answer and I had the less amount of percentage and that bugs me out.
Its a fun and entertaining game, you should try it!
Something to do when ur board time passer download it
Very interesting app for sure.
The questions are really funny and the are hard to answer witch makes it even more funny with friends
Its a fun little would you rather type of game that has some pretty interesting scenarios and lets you create your own questions pretty fun.
This game is weird but cool. I like to see why others pick the same one as me and why others picked the opposite. I rate it 4 stars